Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I realize that I am not very good at posting everyday...  Hmmm...  Aw well

Friday, January 20, 2012


I think that I will try to blog everyday!  Why not, I feel like I have stories I could share...  Okay, well maybe not, but still.

First Friday of the semester, it is crazy! It is a really weird feeling knowing that I have nowhere to be, and nothing that I should be doing right now... hence the blogging...

What if I clean my room!!!    Great id... No way.  I will just blog...

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Viviana has a job working as a soceer ref. She got home from work today and asked if I wanted to go to lunch with her.  I said "of course". Since she was metting a friend by the football stadium, we decided to eat over there. Viviana said that she was going to be the reponsible one today and look up the bus schedule. I told her that we needed to take the 22N. She looked it up and found that the bus would be coming in ten mins.

We left the dorm and went to the stop, we waited for awhile and then i was becoming impatient. I called the MTD hotline thing and asked when it would get here. They told me that the 22N wasn't running over where we were.

I hung up the phone and asked Viviana what stop she was looking at. She said that she didn't know, she didn't even know what bus number she looked at. She just saw that the bus was coming at 12:33.

Thank you Viviana for making my life interesting. Without you, I would not have waited at the bus stop for 20 mins with no bus coming.

Friday, September 17, 2010

80's Night

Viviana and I went to the Union to watch a band paly only to find out we were a day early. Since we were hungry we went to Panera and it was delicious. We talked and ate, it was a good time.  As we were walking back to our dorm I wanted to get ice cream.

The only place that sells the ice cream I wanted was inside the Union. As we alked in the door we saw a sign for rollerblading.  Guess what we did!!  Yes, we went rollerblading, but since I am horrible at it, I only went around a few times. Viviana helped me the whole time, because I was just stuck...

After roller blading we went downstairs and found the crafts table. People were making duct tape wallets. Viviana started making hers and i just watched this guy sitting across from us. I found out how to make it and made the skeleton of the wallet in 2 mins.  Viviana just gave up and decided to help me with the final touches on mine.

As we were walking out of the Union we both had a flash back:
                    On the Friday before classes started, there was a party at the Union. We went for a little
                    while, then decided to go to a Cru party. We couldn't find the house, so we just went back to   
                    the Union. After awhile we decided that we wanted to go to bed because it was getting late.
                    While we were inside, it had started raining. We were fine walking toour dorm in the rain, no
                     big deal. When we stepped on the steps to go down from the Union, we both slipped I
                    grabbed for the railing and Viviana grabbed for me. 
Lets just say that when we walked down the same steps, at the same time of night, we both went very slowly...   

So that was the night.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

School Question

I love everything about school.

I love that the campus is huge and it takes forever to get from one side to the other. That I never see the same people over and over again. That the campus is just beautiful.

I love all of my classes. They are all easy so far. I am actually interested in them for the most part. I am learning. 

I love my roommates.  They are amazing.  We stay up late and girls' night. We talk about everything. We get along amazing well. And it is crazy becaus ei have only them for a month and we are all really close.

After School:
I want to eventually own and run my own daycare, preschool, and after school program.  I would love to help out families in need, so providing an affordable child care so they can work is one thing that I really want to do.  I want to be able to teach and help the children learn, but also get them to love learning.

Another thought I had was to go to a different country and start a daycare program.  Same as above, just in another country.

I also want to learn sign language here, so I thought that maybe I would teach young children who cannot talk or hear to sign and teach the rest of the family as well.  

Anyway, those are my thoughts on that.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why Do I love God?

Thank you for your question. =)

I love God because he is always there for me, even when I am hiding from him. He loves me no matter what I have done, no matter what I do, and no matter what will happen. He is my Father, He watches over me, He protects me, and He is always there for me. He sent his son to die for what I have done and that is an amazing sacrifice. God is my Father, my King, my Protector, my Savior. Ilove Him.

That is why I love God. =)


      I had to take a bus today. I was suppossed to get on the 10E Green Hopper bus. Well, i missed it and was really confused. So i got on the 10E green bus and asked the bus driver if he goes to Race and Main. He said "no, but i go near there". I said "okay" and got on. When we reached Race and Main, he stopped the bus anyway and let me off.  He was such a nice bus driver.
      Today I was fingerprinted.  It was awesome.  Sadly, it wasn't like in forensics class. I didn't get to use ink, or paper, or anything like that. =(      But, I did get to use the scanner!!!   Woo Hoo!!  The scanner wasn't registaring that i had fingers and it tiold me that my fingers were damaged.  But then it finally scanned them.  It was fun.  Now my fingerprints are in the system. =)